”I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love.” ~ Gandhi
What People are Saying:
"I am usually a very articulate person, but I can't say just how fabulous this healing modality is. I now carry a beautiful glow about me ALL THE TIME! The Reconnection was an amazing recovery of myself. It was a completely personal, individual miracle. During the session, I felt the bricks of all that was not for my higher good fall away layer by layer; to be replaced with the greatest light, love and clarity that I had buried deep within myself...I could literally feel 'out with the old, in with the new!' I thank Spirit and the Universe for bringing Sheila and her healing gift into my small space in the world!" Virginia
"I admit I had no idea what to expect when I booked my session with Sheila. When I arrived she greeted me like an old friend and we quickly got to work. The session felt like a combination of guided meditation and a shared journey. There were times that I felt Sheila standing with me in my memories. Her presence was warm, comforting, and encouraging. When we ended, I felt a profound sense of openness, airiness, and connection. In the days and weeks since, I have continued to feel exceptionally grounded in a way that I haven't experienced in the past. I feel anchored in a way that eases my anxiety and my need to control. I'm filled with an attitude of "it will be okay". Most importantly, I no longer feel at the mercy of my memories. They're now just stories...merely events that occurred rather than driving or determining factors in my life. They'll always be a part of me but the no longer control me or my behaviors as they did before. For that, I am beyond grateful. 💖 ~ Branwen Roesch, Inner Child Healing session